Reasons to vote “No” in the upcoming “Children’s Referendum”?
Why should the people of Ireland trust this government after everything they have done!
Are you aware of this:
1. The State can decide to give give Birth Control to children of ANY age, even if they are below the Age of Consent. The State can bring children to other countries for abortions without parental consent and even if the child disagrees. (X case, C Case, D case)
2. The State can decide for example to vaccinate every child in Ireland, and the parent, and even the child have no say in the matter. You do not need to be consulted or give permission. Joan Burton has already hinted that Child Benefit will be tied into vaccination records, this could be extended to school admission.
3. The UN and the EU can make any laws for children without consent of the Irish Government if it wishes. This allows unelected people in the EU and UN to write Irish Laws without prior notice. This removes what little Sovereignty Ireland has as a nation.
4. The “Best Interest Principle” of the UN is nothing more than a slogan. Was it in the “Best Interests” of the 260 who died in Irish State “Care”, or the 500 who went missing and many were later found to have been trafficked into prostitution and slavery? We believe if Ireland is to have a World-Class Child Protection System that “Best Interests” should be replaced with “to the Measured and Demonstrated Benefit of the Child” and it will need to be measured and demonstrated. Despite 760 children missing or dead in a decade, nobody has ever been held accountable. In the Baby P case 2 doctors were struck off and 4 social workers fired, in Ireland 260 dead, 500 missing and nobody was punished.
5. The UNCRC only gives “Rights” to children but there is no obligation on the Government to comply. Children in developing nations whose Governments have ratified the UNCRC have the right to food and water and yet children are dying. Children are executed in some countries and the UNCRCC does not protect them, only their “Rights”. Many of the countries that have ratified the UNCRC allow for Child Soldiers, Child Forced Marriage, the Death Penalty for Children and even Female Genital Mutilation. The UNCRC does not protect children, their parents protect them.
6. The question we are being asked here is “do you trust the Irish State, the UN and the EU to make decisions for your children when your parental rights have been eliminated?” If you are not 100% sure you must vote no.
This isn’t all black and white, there is a deeper agenda to this referendum, anything to do with this government is not for the good of the Irish people.
Reasons To Vote “no” In The Upcoming “children’s Referendum”?